
Populism of political populism and management

finance Populism of political populism and management Recently, it has swept the world of politics populism is. There are various definitions to populism, but refers to the political tendency of politicians pandering to the masses. In the United Kingdom, it was decided EU withdrawal in a referendum of the month. EU withdrawal Despite the large economic losses, populism due to Johnson, former London Mayor immigrant exclusion has attracted support. In the United States presidential election, Trump, who complain the same way as immigrants expulsion won the nomination of the Republican candidate during that Areyoareyo. Greek Chipurasu administration to cast the anti-austerity also, it is typical populism. Excluding the non-democratic closed nation such as China Russia North Korea and the Middle East African countries, world-populism is on the rise. Japanese people, not laugh that of other countries such as the United States and Britain. Also the consumption tax hike has been postponed again, even the reform does not proceed quite a social security, which is a result of fear of the people of repulsion.

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